Frequently asked questions

Is my password secure?

Unlike most corporations, we are transparent with our user safety as in we do not tell users that they are safe with a long and unreasonably complex Privacy Policy, instead we tell you what we do with your data in straightforward English. Nothing. No data is stored on our service and all keys that you provide us for encryption are only accessible by you on a piece of paper or a notepad app (highly unrecommended by the way). This means that only you can see what is going on in your webpage and we have absolutely no idea what you're doing with us.

How are my passwords stored then

On a blockchain. We encrypt your passwords so much that you wouldn't even know it's encrypted text with our multiple layers of military grade encryption. In fact I lost lots of hair making this, RIP my hair. We dont store anything on our servers, and your passwords are stored on the blockchain. No one but you can access it by the way.

Why are there memes

Click here to find out why

You're cringe. How can I trust you?

Do I look like I'm being sued by angry users? Go touch grass.

U sus


I want to contact you

Coming soon!